Privacy policy.

This website is owned and operated by Creadyn NV, Vengerstraat 45, 3360 Bierbeek. Company number BE 0440.027.830 - RPR Leuven. Phone +32 - (0)16 46 05 71. Email

Creadyn fully agrees with the statement that privacy on the internet is essential for the trust of the internet user and for the continued success of the internet as a service-providing and commercial medium.

In this explanation about the legal grounds and the purposes of our privacy policy, it is stated which personal data Creadyn may collect from you, why our company wants to gather this data, how it intends to use it, and how it plans to handle it in light of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Personal data is data that can be traced back to a natural person who is identified, or can be identified. These data can consist of text, image, and sound, and the definition of 'natural person' excludes legal entities.

Creadyn is the processing controller of your personal data. All personal information that you provide to Creadyn is intended solely for internal use by the company for the purpose of efficiently processing your questions, comments, and/or registrations for our initiatives. We collect and use your data as far as necessary in the context of our activities and to achieve a high degree of quality in the information and clarification offered.

All data provided is legally protected by the law of July 30, 2018, regarding the protection of natural persons with respect to the processing of personal data (B.S. 05/09/2018), which implements in Belgian law the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016.

This means that Creadyn is legally required to have your consent to collect and process this data, that this information must be correct and relevant, and that it can only be used for specific purposes. You also have the right to access and modify your personal data, upon a dated and signed request.

Processing is understood to mean any operation with respect to personal data that can identify you as a natural person. Processing includes all aspects related to collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, updating, modifying, retrieving, consulting, using, providing by means of transmission, distributing or otherwise making available, aligning or combining, archiving, shielding, erasing, or destroying that data.

A) What business and personal data do we use about you?

Creadyn may collect, process, and use the following personal data and, if necessary, business data in various ways (the lists are not exhaustive):

Data that you may provide directly to Creadyn:

Personal identification and contact information, including name, first name, address and residence, email address, telephone number or mobile number, date of birth, age, title.

Identification and contact information of your company (if necessary and desired), including name, legal form, addresses of registered office, headquarters, and any branches, company number and legal entities register, date of establishment, names of the directors, publications in the Belgian Staatsblad, annual accounts, telephone number(s), email address(es), website.

Complaints or feedback via our support channels about your experience with our information and clarification, your comments, suggestions, testimonials, and all other feedback.

Other data and content that you exchange, communicate, or share via the Pragmapp website, any apps, including texts, images, sound recordings.

2. Data you provide by using the (mobile) Pragmapp website and any apps:

When you use the (mobile) Pragmapp website or apps, the following information can be processed: visited pages, websites, and searches through cookies (see our cookie policy for this), data you enter on the website or in the apps, and other data to which you have granted Creadyn access (including location data).

Data from other sources:

Creadyn can also collect and process data from other sources, including purchasing or renting i.e., using data collected by specialized suppliers, by companies and associations with which Creadyn closely cooperates or is connected, from public sources, from social media. The rules and preference settings of these providers will apply to the use of social media channels, both for you and Creadyn.

On the Pragmapp website, there may be links to other websites. These websites are not managed by Creadyn and have their own privacy statement or policy. Creadyn strongly recommends that you read these documents and accepts no responsibility or liability for these third-party websites.

You are not obliged to provide your data to Creadyn or agree to the processing. Nevertheless, in certain cases, it will be necessary to share your relevant data so that proper communication can take place and prevailing legislation is complied with.

Creadyn does not collect sensitive information such as biometric data, health data, personal data relating to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, sexual preference, genetic data.

Why and on what basis do we use your data?

Creadyn uses your data to respect your choice when Creadyn asks for your consent for a specific or punctual processing of personal data, to process electronic communication data, to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.

More in detail, Creadyn processes personal data for the following purposes:

Enabling certain information to be exchanged, created, and deleted and/or to contact other users on (mobile) websites and apps.

The pursuit of a legitimate interest consisting of the continuous evaluation, adjustment, improvement, and optimization of the information and documentation provided by Creadyn on the Pragmapp website, communication via the (mobile) website and any apps i.e., their maintenance and security.

Compliance with laws and regulations applicable to Creadyn in the broadest sense, responding to an official request from an authorized public or judicial authority.

Other specific purposes for which Creadyn may ask for your separate consent.

C) With whom do we share your data and how long do we keep it?

Creadyn may share processed data with third parties, namely companies or associations that are domiciled at the same address where Creadyn has established its registered office and operations. This exchange of information only occurs to the extent that processing by these third parties is necessary for the establishment, execution, use, consumption, access, or handling with respect to agreements, products, services, (mobile) websites, any apps.

If your consent is legally required or if we believe that your consent is appropriate depending on the circumstances, we will always ask for it before sharing or transferring your data to a country outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

Your data will only be disclosed in accordance with this privacy policy and/or if legally required. In rare cases, it may indeed happen that Creadyn needs to share personal or business data as a result of a court order or to comply with other mandatory laws or regulations. Creadyn will reasonably try to inform you in advance about this, unless such a démarche is subject to legal limitations.

Personal data can also always be anonymized before sharing with third parties. In that case, you will never be able to be identified as an individual based on this anonymized data.

Creadyn will retain your data for as long as required to comply with applicable laws and regulations, or longer if it is operationally necessary for quality control, invoice management, for possible legal complaints or claims, for responses to questions from supervisory authorities. After the required retention period, personal data will be erased or anonymized.

D) What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

You have the right to access and correct the data that Creadyn processes about you (correction of incomplete, incorrect, inappropriate, or outdated information), more specifically regarding your personal data. You can always obtain a copy of this information.

You also have the right to deletion, limitation of operation, and/or portability (data portability) of your data, particularly your personal data, as far as applicable regulations provide.

You can withdraw your given consent for certain processing at any time and object to the processing of your personal data for serious and legitimate reasons.

Moreover, you have the right to object (opt-out) to the use of your personal data for direct marketing, to the transfer of your personal data to third parties, and against the profiling of you (automated decision-making).

Creadyn reserves the right to adjust this privacy regulation at any time. Users will be informed of this via the website or by email. To exercise your rights, you can always contact Creadyn at the address indicated in the introduction of this privacy statement.

You also have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority: (Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels, tel. +32 (0)2 274 48 00.

E) What does Creadyn's data security policy look like?

To protect your personal data in the best possible way, Creadyn takes all reasonable and possible measures. Our company applies best practices to prevent loss, misuse, disclosure, unauthorized access, or alteration of this data. Both technically and organizationally, Creadyn has set up the necessary initiatives to provide a sufficient level of security.

F) What is Creadyn's Cookie Policy?

Pragmapp uses ‘cookies’, small pieces of information that are written to the user's hard drive to facilitate the use of the Pragmapp website. For example, cookies are used to avoid having to continually identify yourself for personalized services by typing in your username and password. The use of cookies is generally accepted by users, and you will find them on almost all major websites. If you disable the use of cookies in your browser, we cannot guarantee the correct functioning of For more information, please refer to our cookie policy and our cookie settings as available on this website.

By clicking 'Agree' (opt-in) on the cookie banner on the homepage of this website and then continuing to browse, you voluntarily and explicitly agree to Creadyn's privacy and cookie policy. You have the right to request access to the database, to correct, delete, and/or transfer your data. Under certain conditions, you can also request to limit the processing or object to the processing. You can always withdraw your consent for the use and reading of cookies. If you wish to exercise one or more of these rights, please confirm this by email to with a scan of your valid ID.

If you want to know more about the protection of privacy in Belgium, please visit

Creadyn NV - Vengerstraat 45 - 3360 Bierbeek - T. +32 - (0)16 46 05 71 E. - VAT BE 0440.027.830 - RPR Leuven.

© 2023 Creadyn NV - All rights reserved.


NV Creadyn fully agrees with the statement that privacy on the internet is essential for the trust of the internet user and for the continued success of the internet as a service-providing and commercial medium. As required by Article 129, 1°, of the law of June 13, 2005, regarding electronic communications, Creadyn wishes to inform the visitors of its Pragmapp website about the use of cookies. uses cookies to avoid having to continually identify yourself for personalized services by typing in your username and password. The use of cookies is generally accepted by users, and you will find them on almost all major websites. You can freely choose whether to accept or reject cookies. If you disable the use of cookies in your browser(s), we cannot guarantee the correct functioning of

What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of information that are written to the user's hard drive to facilitate and analyze the use of the website. They are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device (smartphone, tablet, laptop) by the server of a website when you visit a website.

Website administrators use cookies to make their websites more efficient and to collect and send data about your visit to their website. This includes, for example, the number of visits, the average duration of a visit, the pages viewed, the navigation history, linking content to your preferences, and other statistics.

The cookie contains information that allows your browser to be recognized and informs the website about your previous activities (e.g., language choice, visitor status, preferences). This makes browsing easier, faster, and more user-friendly. The server of the website can only read the cookies it has placed itself and does not have access to other files stored on your computer or mobile device.

A distinction is made between permanent and temporary cookies on the one hand and direct and indirect cookies on the other. Cookies are permanent when they remain on the user's computer even after the browser is closed. They stay on the hard drive until the user deletes them. Temporary or session cookies disappear once the user closes the browser. Direct cookies are sent by the website itself. Indirect cookies, on the other hand, come from third parties.

Which cookies does this website use?

Creadyn uses cookies to simplify the use of the website, to improve the speed of your future visit, and to offer you marketing content tailored to your interests on this website or others via the cookies of partners. In addition, we use cookies to generate anonymous statistics about the nature of the visit to our website with the aim of improving its structure and content.

These statistical data do not allow us to personally identify you.

Below you will find a detailed list and description of the cookies used by

Technical or Necessary Cookies (Permanent and Direct)

These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the Pragmapp website. They ensure a correct and secure connection. They enable you to navigate between the different parts of our website and use certain functionalities. These cookies do not allow you to be identified as an individual. If you refuse these cookies, certain parts of the website may not work optimally or at all, e.g., graphic elements or certain applications.

Functional Cookies (Permanent and Direct)

These cookies ensure that our website remembers the functional choices you make (e.g., login or registration, language choice) so that your future visit to our website becomes more user-friendly. These cookies do not allow you to be identified as an individual. If you refuse these cookies, certain parts of the website may not work optimally.

Technical and functional cookies are direct or first-party cookies; they come from the own server of the Pragmapp website.

Marketing Cookies or Comfort Cookies (Indirect)

These cookies collect information about the use of our website by our visitors and provide performance data about the visited pages and the time spent per page. These are indirect or third-party cookies, not from the own server of the Pragmapp website, but from Google Analytics and/or Squarespace.

Comfort cookies are placed on the website for statistical, social, and commercial purposes or to create general user profiles. With these tracking and analysis cookies, you will receive the information most relevant and appropriate for you. However, these cookies do not allow you to be identified as an individual.

The information generated by Google Analytics/Squarespace cookies about your use of the website - standard internet access information (including your IP address) and your visitor behavior, which is analyzed anonymously - is sent to Google, which stores this information, including on servers in the United States. Google adheres to the principles of the 'EU-US Privacy Shield.' Before storing the transmitted information, Google anonymizes it by deleting the last octet of your IP address.

The Google Analytics/Squarespace privacy policy emphasizes that Google uses this information to evaluate your use of the site and to generate reports for Creadyn on site activity. Creadyn itself does not use any tool for statistical analysis and does not allow third parties to use this tool to track or collect personal information from visitors who could be identified.

You can install the 'Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on' via Google. This specifically allows you to prevent your visit information regarding or other websites from being used by Google Analytics.

More information about Google Analytics and the information collected and processed by it can be found in Google Analytics' privacy policy.

How can you manage or delete cookies?

You can manage your cookies and withdraw your consent for their placement and use by adjusting your browser(s) settings (‘Options’ or ‘Preferences’ menus).

You have the choice: either you block all cookies, or you only accept cookies from certain websites. Blocking cookies can affect browsing on our website. If you deactivate all or some specific cookies, you can still visit our website, but your user experience will be less smooth, especially if you refuse all cookies. Certain parts of the website will then not function. Therefore, we advise you not to completely block cookies.

Google Chrome: about deleting existing cookies and refusing new cookies, click here

Internet Explorer: about deleting existing cookies and refusing new cookies, click here

Firefox/Mozilla: about refusing new cookies, click here

Firefox/Mozilla: about deleting existing cookies, click here

Safari: about deleting existing cookies and refusing new cookies, click here

Opera: about deleting existing cookies and refusing new cookies, click here

Who is responsible for the cookie policy?

Creadyn NV with its registered office at Vengerstraat 45 in 3360 Bierbeek. Tel +32 16 46 05 71. Email Company number BE 0440.027.830 - RPR Leuven. Questions or comments can be sent to the above email address.

Privacy Policy

We also recommend that you read Creadyn's privacy policy carefully. The cookie policy and the privacy policy are closely related. The privacy policy states which personal and business data Creadyn may collect from you, why our company wants to gather this data, how it intends to use it, and how it plans to handle it in light of the Privacy Law of 30/07/2018, which implements the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Creadyn NV - Vengerstraat 45 - 3360 Bierbeek - T. +32 - (0)16 46 05 71 - - VAT BE 0440.027.830 - RPR Leuven.

© 2023 Creadyn NV - All rights reserved.